Wednesday, August 19, 2009

El Diablo

Every once in awhile there is a photo that is so foul and offensive that we can't pass it up. This one was snapped by one of our friends, Gutman, while we were in a little place called Sayulita, Mexico. Sunburned, hammered, and satanic, this guy is pretty much a work of art on his own. Sorry if it offends some of you. What you can't see here are the huge, freshly stitched wounds that look like the result of a knife fight, or a bottle fight, or dog fight, or, or, or. . .

Is that a bad case of gout in the subject's right pinkie finger? Hm.

Hey, at least it doesn't involve two girls and a cup.


Cerno said...

I snapped it, not to steal gut's thunder.

Keeney + Law Photography said...

That's right... I thought that was the case, but could not remember. Too bad we're not doing it again this year. . .